Sommaire :


Depuis 1997, date de sa création, Leonardo/Olats a fait porter une part importante de son activité sur la création artistique en lien avec l’espace extra-terrestre (astronomie et astronautique) notamment par le biais de workshops, et de colloques et conférences.

Ceci a donné lieu à la production d’un ensemble conséquent de textes que nous reprenons ici, listés par ordre alphabétique d’auteurs. La plupart de ces textes sont en anglais (la langue de travail du projet « art spatial » de Leonardo/Olats), cependant une partie non négligeable est bilingue anglais-français et quelques uns sont uniquement en français.

Cette section du site porte uniquement sur les textes issus des activités de Leonardo/Olats.
On trouvera dans la rubrique »Bibliographie » du projet Space Art and Science un ensemble plus large de références dont la liste des articles publiés dans la revueLeonardo, depuis « On the Visual Fine Arts in the Space Age » de Frank Malina paru en 1970.

Since its creation in 1997, a large part of Leonardo/Olats’s activity focused on artistic creation in relation with extraterrestrial space (astronomy and
astronautics), in particular through workshops, colloquiums and conferences.

Out of this came a substantial set of texts that we provide here, listed in alphabetical order of authors. Most of them are in English (the working language of Leonardo/Olats’s « space art » project), however a significant part is bilingual English-French and a few are only in French.

This section of the site only covers texts resulting from the activities of Leonardo/Olats.
You will find in the « Bibliography » section of the Space Art and Science project a broader set of references including the list of articles published in the journal Leonardo, since « On the Visual Fine Arts in the Space Age » by Frank Malina published in 1970.

Authors - Auteurs

Les textes sont listés par ordre alphabétique d’auteur / The texts are listed by
alphabetical order of authors

Adriaansens Alex – Que la Force soit avec Toi, 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris

Adriaansens Alex – May the Force be with you, 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris.

Almeida Teresa – New spaces for new bodies – or how to inflate your life, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Antunèz Roca Marcel-li – Transpermie : le projet Dédalo , 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris

Antunèz Roca Marcel-li – Transpermia – Dédalo Project, 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris

Bernasconi Marco C. – Inflatable structure technologies & Arts in space : A synopsis, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Bernasconi Marco C. – Astronautics: The Only Ethical Future, 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia, Spain

Blassnigg Martha – Towards an Anthropology of Space, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest

Blassnigg Martha – Maps and the Cartography of Time andConsciousness , 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia, Spain

Boissonnet Philippe – De la Perception de la Terre-Mère à celle de laTerre-Enfant, 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia, Spain

Bureaud Annick – Space Art and beyond, 1997
workshop The Artists as Space Explorers, Boulogne-Billancourt

Bureaud Annick – Space Art: Defining a New Territory, 1998
workshop Space Art / Earth Art, Boulogne-Billancourt

Bureaud Annick – Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro.Les raisons d’un colloque, 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris

Bureaud Annick – Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. TheReasons for a Symposium, 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris

Bureaud Annick & Dubois Kitsou – The Embodiment of (Micro)Gravity.Kitsou Dubois’s Analogies : an Artistic and Aesthetic Experience, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon, Switzerland

Burgess Lowry – « Prelude, Fugue, Choraal and Descant » on the « Releasement »Theme of Martin Heidegger: Linkages between Earth andSpace through « Zero Gravity », 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Burke James D., Dokbua Rungsak – Practical Opportunities for IncludingArt in Coming Lunar Programs, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Clar Richard, Fukuhara Tetsuro – New Butoh Space Dance: InterstellarMessage Composition, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Czegledy Nina, Jerram Luke – On the Aurora experience, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with

Czegledy Nina – On Spatial Perception: Mapping the Earth – Charting theSky, 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia

Dubois Kitsou – Corps, mouvement, danse et apesanteur, 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris

Dubois Kitsou – Body, movement, dance and weightlessness, 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris

Dubois Kitsou – Contact body — Object in Microgravity, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with ESA/ESTEC

//Attention, le texte suivant est le même que celui qui est sous mon nom + celui
de Kitsou plus haut//

Dubois Kitsou & Bureaud Annick – The Embodiment of (Micro)Gravity.Kitsou Dubois’s Analogies : an Artistic and Aesthetic Experience, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon

Fishkin Vadim, Pàldi Livia – Kaplegraf Og (gouttes en orbite), 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris

Fishkin Vadim, Pàldi Livia – Kaplegraf 0g (drops orbits), 2003
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris

Flow Motion (Anna Piva & Edward George) – Flow Motion : Là-bas, 2003
colloque Visibilité – Lisibilité de l’art spatial. Art et Gravité Zéro : l’expérience des
vols paraboliques, en collaboration avec le festival @rt Outsiders, Paris

(Anna Piva & Edward George) – »Flow Motion,
symposium Visibility – Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero G. : the experience
of parabolic flights, in collaboration with the @rt Outsiders festival, Paris

Flow Motion (Anna Piva & Edward George) – Astro Black Morphologies:Music And Science Lovers, 2004
workshop Space: Science, Technology and the Arts in collaboration with

Fragra Tania – Earth and Space Sciences for Computer Art Works, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon

Marmor Kathy – Practices of seeing: a bird’s eye view, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon

Maugery Ariane and Le Lay Guy – Micro-gravity oddity: A Space Art and Science Genesis, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest

Mautner Michael N. – Seeding the Universe with Life – Securing OurCosmological Future, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon

Michalou(di)s Ioannis – Aer( )sculpture. Using a Space Material as aSculptural Medium, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest

Nemeth Attila – Putting the Science in Fiction (Vernian Traditions in 20thCentury Hungarian SF), 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest

Osaka Takuro – The New Art Education on Environment of Microgravity – The new art education which is supported by engineering, psychology, and astronauts, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest

Polli Andrea – Interpreting the Data Environment, 2005
workshop Space: Planetary Consciousness and the Arts, in collaboration with
OURS Foundation, IAA and Maison d’Ailleurs, Yverdon

Pop Virgiliu – Space Exploration and Sacred Art, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest

Dr Raitt David – Cultural and Artistic Events in Space: ESA’sPerspectives, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest

Randerson Janine – Between Reason and Sensation: Antipodean Artistsand Climate Change, 2006
conference Expanding the Space, in collaboration with the Octubre Centre de
Cultura Contemporania, and IAA, Valencia

Szathmary Kara – Visions of space: Artists’ Journey through the Cosmos, 2005
workshop The Impact of Space on Society: Cultural Aspects, in collaboration
with IAA and Millenaris, Budapest