Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks
Max Schich, Isabel Meirelles, Roger Malina (Eds), MIT Press, Leonardo ebook series, Kindle Edition, First edition 2013, 5th edition 2016
510 pages – order eBook
The e-book Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks captures the excitement of creators and scholars pioneering the application of network science to culture. Beginning in 2010, the AHCN symposia tracked breakthrough moments as network theories, big data, and inventive visualizations triggered new insight in fields ranging from 16th-century political history to 21st-century art. These papers were presented at the Leonardo Days at NetSci conferences, the High Throughput Humanities conference, and in the Leonardo journal at MIT Press. Authors include experts in visualisation, sonification and data exploration from universities and corporate R&D departments internationally.
I Networks in Culture
II Networks in Art
III Networks in the Humanities
IV Art about Networks
V Research in Network Visualization
Produced in partnership with the ATEC program at the University of Texas, Dallas and MIT Press the first edition received support from Leonardo/OLATS in the framework of the STUDIOLABS project.
Partenaires / Partners
This project has received support from Studiolab. Studiolab has been funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Program.

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