visual Perrine Serre, typography Raoul Audouin-VTF, graphic designer Jérôme Foubert
Global Periphery
Contemporary Imaginaries of Space, Multiple Voices - A Hybrid Conference
Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th Septembre 2022
14h00 – 19h00
Cité Internationale des Arts
18, rue de l’Hôtel de Ville – 75004 Paris
Free entrance upon registration
Table of contents :

Performance "Imaginary Futures" by Marcus Neustetter and Team with Fatou Cissé on stage at "Global Periphery", Paris september 2022, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, photo © Quentin Chevrier

Fatou Cissé and Marcus Neustetter with the Team in South Africa on screen after the Performance "Imaginary Futures" at "Global Periphery", Paris 24th september 2022, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, photo © Quentin Chevrier

Frédérique Aït-Touati, 23rd September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Susmita Mohanty and Fabiane Borges, 23rd September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Eleanor Armstrong, 23rd September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Eduardo Kac and Yoko Shimizu, 23rd September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Michelle Hanlon, 23rd September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Rohini Devasher and Ale de la Puente, 24th September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Marie-Pier Boucher and Ale de la Puente, 24th September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Susmita Mohanty, Fabiane Borges and Davis Cook on screen, 23rd September 2022, at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Bernard Foing, 23rd September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Ewen Chardronnet and Annick Bureaud, introducing the More-Than-Planet project, 24th September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon

Rob La Frenais, 23rd September 2022 at Global Periphery in Paris, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, image Louis Hemon
Global Periphery is a symposium exploring the contemporary imaginaries of space through examples of artistic creations and of activities from the space sector with voices from multiple continents and locations. It is part of More-Than-Planet , a Creative Europe project of which Leonardo/Olats is a partner. Global Periphery is thus part of a conceptual understanding of the planet as a global dynamic system.
As we witness more countries joining the space faring nations, the arrival of private companies in the so-called « New Space », as major new astronomical instruments have been deployed in South America, Africa and in Space, as we are questioning anew what the Human presence in space should be and our inhabiting our own Planet, it is a perfect time to reconsider the space imaginaries.
The dominant space imaginaries are rooted in the culture of the nations that have lead the first era of the space exploration, largely coming from the United States of America and the Hollywood iconography. What have been —and are— doing all the others? Stating, analysing, re-interpreting, questionning, cross-breeding, inventing, creating space imaginaries in and from multiple dimensions is at the core of Global Periphery.
The time when we divided the World in « center » and « periphery » is gone. We are all in periphery, next to each other, sharing the same Planet, the same sky and the same cosmos.
Curators: Annick Bureaud (France), Marcus Neustetter (South Africa / Austria)
Annick Bureaud

Director Leonardo/Olats
Marcus Neustetter

Artist, curator, initiator and artistic director of Imaginary Futures performance
Programme Symposium

FRIDAY September 23rd
13h45 – 14h00: Doors open
14h00 – 14h15: Annick Bureaud, Welcome and introduction address
14h15 – 15h30: Session 1: Space imaginaries
moderator: Annick Bureaud
– Marcus Neustetter and Team, Imaginary Futures – Part 1
– Frédérique Aït Touati, How to deconsctruct the imaginaries of space?
– Discussion
15h30 – 16h00: Break
16h00 – 17h00: Session 2: Perspectives from the Global South
moderator: Susmita Mohanty
– Fabiane Borges, Subjectivity, Art and Space Science
– Davis Cook, Illuminating Africa’s Space Heritage
– Discussion
17h00 – 17h15: Break
17h15 – 18h45: Session 3: Perspectives about Art, Culture, Science and Global Periphery
moderator: Annick Bureaud
– Eleanor Armstrong, Where is the place for space? Space Science in Cultural Contexts
– Discussion
– Round-table & Presentations with Bernard Foing, ITACCUS ; Rob La Frenais, Space Without Rockets ; Participants to the Imaginary Futures workshop: Rouzbeh Akhbari, Valentine Auphan, Marie-Pier Boucher, Arthur Enguehard, Guillemette Legrand, Yanxu Chen, Fatou Cissé and Marcus Neustetter.
– Playing cards (round-table & audience participation)
13h45 – 14h00: Doors open
14h00 – 14h15: Annick Bureaud, Welcome and introduction address
14h15 – 15h15: Session 4: Space Culture
moderator: Annick Bureaud
– Eduardo Kac, Adsum, an artwork for the Moon
– Yoko Shimizu, Exploring new frontiers of art, space and biology
– Discussion
15h15 – 15h30: Break
15h30 – 16h30: Session 5: Space, Time and Observatories
moderator: Marie-Pier Boucher
– Ale de la Puente, Five missions to explore the center and its periphery
– Rohini Devasher, One Hundred Thousand Suns. How closely can we know our nearest star?
– Discussion
16h30 – 17h00: Break
17h00 – 18h15: Session 6: Whose Space is it?
moderator: Annick Bureaud
– Michelle Hanlon, Why Do We Care About Bootprints on the Moon?
– Marcus Neustetter and Team, Imaginary Futures – Part 2
– Discussion
18h15 – 18h30: Conclusion: the More-Than-Planet project with Miha Tursič, Lucas Evers, Ewen Chardronnet
18h30: Drinks
Imaginary Futures

image Marcus Neustetter

Fatou Cissé during the performance "Imaginary Futures" by Marcus Neustetter and Team at "Global Periphery", Paris september 24th 2022, a Leonardo/Olats event for More-Than-Planet, photo © Quentin Chevrier
Marcus Neustetter brings his project Imaginary Futures — an experimental collective creation online with counterparts and extensions in the physical space— to Global Periphery with a performance and a workshop.
For the Global Periphery event, we have produced a series of podcasts based on a deck of cards especially designed for the project. They were recorded with the participants to the symposium and some audience members.
All answered the same “token” question: What Attracts you to Space. Then they selected randomly and blindly two other cards. Discover their answers in those 8 choral podcasts.
Video recordings of the symposium on YouTube and Vimeo
Annick Bureaud, Introduction, 23rd September 2022
Marcus Neustetter & Team, Imaginary Futures , 23 & 24 septembre 2022
Frédérique Aït-Touati, How to deconstruct the imaginaries of space?
Marcus Neustetter, Frédérique Aït-Touati, discussion
Marcus Neustetter, Fatou Cissé, Discussion Imaginary Futures
Fabiane Borges, Subjectivity, Art and Space Science
Davis Cook, Illuminating Africa’s Space Heritage
Discussion, Fabiane Borges, Davis Cook
Eleanor Armstrong, Where is the Place for Space? Space Science in Cultural Contexts
Bernard Foing, Introducing ITACCUS and other cultural space programmes
Rob La Frenais, “Space Without Rockets”
Annick Bureaud, Ewen Chardronnet, Introduction 24 septembre 2022
Eduardo Kac, « Adsum », an artwork for the Moon
Yoko Shimizu, Exploring New Frontiers of Art, Space and Biology
Discussion : Eduardo Kac, Yoko Shimizu
Ale de la Puente, Five Missions to Explore the Center and its Periphery
Rohini Devasher, “One Hundred Thousand Suns”, How closely can we know our nearest star?
Discussion : Ale de la Puente, Rohini Devasher
Michelle Hanlon, WhyDo We Care About Bootprints on the Moon?
Global Periphery is part of More-Than-Planet project , an international cooperation project between Stichting Waag Society (NL), lead partner, Zavod Projekt Atol (SI), Ars Electronica (AT), Digital Art International ART2M (FR), Northern Photographic Centre (FI) and Leonardo/Olats
Collaborations with Chaire arts & sciences, Ecole polytechnique and Ensad (FR)
Endorsed by ITACCUS, the Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space of the IAF-International Astronautical Federation.
Hosted in partnership by Cité Internationale des Arts.
Co-funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Leonardo/Olats received the support from the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, the Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris and the Institut Français India.

Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et des Techno-Sciences
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Design Thierry Fournier
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