The Traveling Plant: Preparatory Logbook

People were asked, in a caring hosting tradition, to tell the plant what it could expect to experience and to discover along its journey, what and whom (humans and other than humans) it may encounter. Choose a contributor in the menu (v) or browse by following the arrows < >

Vania Negrete

Plant passports

León, México
Graphic Designer

Vania Elizabeth Negrete Ordóñez

I recently found out that in the EU plants need passports in order to be able to travel between countries, so questions started popping up: how would this passport look? Would they be illegal if they didn’t use these passports? Would poor plants, without the ability to pay for a passport, be illegal if it travelled?

Pasaportes para plantas

Recientemente me enteré de que en la Unión Europea las plantas necesitan pasaportes para poder viajar entre los países, por lo que comenzaron a haber preguntas: ¿Cómo se vería su pasaporte? ¿Serían ilegales so no los usaran? ¿Las plantas pobres, sin la capacidad de pagar por su pasaporte, serían ilegales al viajar


The Traveling Plant is a collective project created in 2020 by Annick Bureaud, Tatiana Kourochkina, Marta de Menezes, Claudia Schnugg and Robertina Šebjanič, and further developed with the following seed organisations Leonardo/Olats (Paris), Quo Artis (Barcelona and Treviso), Cultivamos Cultura (Lisbon), Sektor Institute (Ljubljana) and the initial support of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.